Posted on Feb 11, 2020
About 35 members of the Rotary Club of Redondo Beach participated in a gun safety class at the shooting range of the Redondo Beach Police Department.  The event. The event was held on Saturday, February 11th.  "Civilians don't normally have access to the range," said Rotarian and commander of the Reserve unit of the Redondo Beach Police Department. "Our objective was to teach gun safety," he said, and we taught Rotarians to shoot a 9mm pistol, a .45mm pistol and a long rife." The Rotary Club has long raised funds for the Reserves' activities. It recently donated $5,000  to the reserves from the Rotary Club's Community Foundation.
Deadeye Faisal aims
at target with long rifle.

Vera and Officer Josh Spry
Nasrin takes aim.
Sgt. Chuck Prestia instructs Rotarians on gun safety.