At a recent club Zoom meeting, President Nancy asked PDG Vicki Radel to share her experience with Mama Hill, a past speaker at our club.
Vicki said, “Mama Hill was forced to quit teaching due to crippling arthritis and opened her home to at risk youth for after school tutoring, ethics classes and support. Since then thousands of students have passed through her doors and into her heart for guidance and help. She is my mentor.” Vicki noted that Mama Hill’s ex was a roommate of John Lewis, who died last week, when they attended Fisk University in Nashville, Tenn. years ago.
Vicki recounted that her maternal grandfather was from Nashville. So, on a recent trip there she recounted, “I intentionally marched the same route they had taken from Fisk University to the police station. I walked alone. Tears were rolling down my face due to the impact of what it must have been like for them, having bottles and axe handles thrown at them, when all they wanted was to have the right to vote.”
Mama Hill sent Vicki a personal tribute about John Lewis for her to read to the club titled, “In Loving Memory of John Lewis.”. Mama Hill described John Lewis as a brilliant gentleman and scholar, proud of his people. loyal, a man of great integrity, very quiet, a great leader, and “his strength rose in his voice whenever he spoke of injustice or oppression…We always felt that he was a close servant to God.”
She also wrote, “His voice resonates throughout United States. Even now his truth will march on to awaken others to change. He is here even more so now than before. John Lewis you are a mighty, mighty man. Your soul looks at us with a steadfast Hold. You will see God, but you will also still be heard by people forever. AMEN!

Mama Hill had a message for our club as well.  “I want the Rotary Club of Redondo Beach to know how invaluable your ongoing support is to the families we service at MHH and how much we appreciate you caring about the community. . . Without your help the children would go hungry. You Redondo Beach Rotarians have literally saved many lives over the years by your undying support.”