Rotary Club of Redondo Beach
Leave of Absence Policy

The Board of Directors may grant an initial leave of absence of up to six months, exempting members from weekly meeting attendance requirements.  Members are NOT exempted from paying regular club dues and other member expenses during a leave period.

The initial six-month leave may be extended once, at the request of the Rotarian and the discretion of the Club Board, for a maximum combined length of twelve months.  And the end of the twelve month period, a Rotarian is expected to return to active membership or resign from the club.

When business and personal conflicts arise, members are encouraged to complete make-ups at other Rotary Club meetings as a first course of action before considering a request for a leave of absence.  A directory of 33,790 meetings worldwide can be accessed at  Meeting times and locations for clubs in District 5280 can also be found at

Requests will only be considered retroactively to the first of the month in which the leave was request.  Should a situation arise, Rotarians should plan accordingly and request leave as soon as possible.

Request for Leave of Absence

Member Name______________________________    

Year Joined Club_________


Dates of Request leave (6 months max.)_________    

Date Submitted_________

Reason for Request: ___Business    ___Personal  ___Travel  ___Other

Please Elaborate: (The club Board may request further information in considering your request)

I understand Rotarians are encouraged to make up absences and are welcome at Rotary Clubs around the world. However, I do not feel my situation will allow me to sufficiently make up during my requested leave of absence.  I also understand that, if granted a leave, I will still be responsible for my regular club dues and other member expenses, and must pay for any Rotary luncheons I might attend while on leave, and I will only be eligible to renew a six-month leave once totaling twelve months, at which time I must return to active membership or resign from the club.

        Member Signature



  Board Member Signature 


 Click HERE to download a copy of this policy.